The truth is born in a dialogue. Thank you for your comments and opinions. I will reply to "Soroka-vorovka".
"A nationality is only a convention, a religion is a play of chance (depending on where one was born and grew up). But citizenship and language is a practical need. Of course, it's great to know several languages, and even better to understand corresponding cultures and their religions, but it's not on the cards for everyone. To be ashamed of your fate is nonsense, and to shame others for the misery of their fate is a snobbish arrogance".
People live in the world which is thought up for them, in these conventions, and are proud of their nationality. Russian people reached megalomania in their pride, and the reasons of it are quite objective - most Russians don't travel anywhere, except their trips to work by a trolleybus, intercultural communication didn't touch them, they are victims of the state xenophobic propaganda. While I was studying at the Philology Department, I was very much proud of the Russian culture, felt like a Slavophile, but to a large extent I was a Westerner. Nevertheless, for me the Russian culture is something imperceptible that was transferred to me from my elderly relative. It is difficult to express it in words, but I can't feel this Russian culture anywhere else except as in myself. Well, it is mysticism, a great mystery! It is impossible to explain anything here. The culture is transmitted exactly this way - from person to person, and not through books.
What about my nationality? Well, I have been taken for anyone, except for a Russian man :) Did I feel myself as Russian? I don't even know what that is. In fact, it didn't matter to me at all. That's why nationalism is perceived by me as a pretty bizarre phenomenon.
In short, when I began pondering on what is in me that is from myself, I realized that there was very little, that I was a product of the society. And I didn't like that product. Therefore, the main goal of my life became to work on myself and develop my own identity. And for many people that's rubbish. This path is the most thorny, because any society prevents the development of an individual, and doesn't want to support him, even though the Western European society, of course, is more tolerant and pluralist, than Eastern Europe.
Apparently, everything that is imposed, what isn't a result of a free choice, should be rejected. So nationality, religion and even statehood isn't important to me. I don't treasure the Russian citizenship. Russian is only the means of communication. Language which I perfectly know is the thought transmission medium, and it simplifies this task for me.
In any country nationalists are the first swindlers. All of the above-mentioned is blinders which are put on a person to limit his freedom of activities, area of spiritual sight. People are consciously made fools. And here you call it the fine word fate. No, it`s not fate, it's political strategies. Fate needs to be earned!
"Stigmatization inside the society and xenophobia outside of it is a universal feature, but not some Russian specifics. It is inherent to white-skinned, black men, Christians, Muslims, Asians, and Europeans. Exceptions among the developed societies are unknown to me".
A person is inclined to be a pig towards himself and others. For example, where are refugees treated badly? Where natives aren't appreciated. The higher the intellectual level of development and international cultural experience, the higher is his caliber, dignity. But which country has provided all conditions to acquire such experience?
The fate of the Post-Soviet countries is sad. They are not interested in anything except loot :)
"In any society there are always misfits, outcasts - derelicts. It's not a sadistic goal in itself to "degrade, deprive of dignity, tread to pieces", the aim is to boost your own self-respect, i.e. not to feel yourself at the bottom of the heap, but to be a part of the society. That's why this tendency is evident the more clearly the lower the social group is and the worse its status in public hierarchy is. And it's not about "greatness" or "pettiness" (what is that to begin with?) but it's about the fact that people with high social status or with a high level of consciousness (which is very rare) don't need such form of asserting themselves. It is evident even in the foreign relations".
In my opinion, the society where there are derelicts is a derelict itself. Crime, poverty, beggarly benefits, value of routine and unproductive work, public financing of media, emphasized patriotism are manifestations of corruption and poor management. Derelicts are where there is a win-lose strategy Societies which are guided by win-win strategy for everyone, don't have derelicts.
"That's why Europeans (beginning from the middle class and higher) are more tolerant to "strangers" because they perfectly understand their exclusive status in the world. But there are "lower classes" in Europe too and the middle class is tolerant as long as "strangers" behave "as they are supposed to"."
I know some representatives of middle class in Western Europe who would be very glad not to see immigrants. They laugh at them, telling politically incorrect jokes in private conversations (and that personally only amuses me), they think that their taxes go to support scum of the earth, they vote for nationalists. These people love money too much. They love it so much that they are willing to be mean, deceive and even kill their brothers for money.
Greed must be limited and stopped. Healthy society should assert humanistic values, solve problems, care for people. Why do we need a state if it doesn't provide social protection, doesn't regulate greed? It is from such countries that people immigrate and such countries die out.
"Jokes aside, it happens because the EU isn't able to feed all the poor and unlucky people who consider themselves to be "not worse then others".
There are many workplaces in Europe but if officially you aren't a citizen of the EU, you can't get a legal job. A lot of people work illegally. They aren't socially protected in any way, they earn less then citizens of the EU. And it seems that Europe profits from the illicit labot market. And we still have to find out the reasons for the world poverty. Why don't large corporations treat others just as they treat Americans? Again, the blame lies at the door of greed.
As for refugees, it's neccessary to think about the reasons of this phenomenon and also to remember history, because Europeans used to be refugees. And migration in general is normal and natural, and then it's essential to adapt to it wisely and see its bright side.
"Release of spiritual resources is very opportunely - it`s a high time to get to know reality better".
Yes I run away from reality, I guess, because it is sordid everywhere and it quickly annoys.
"What is an "insight"?"
It's a sudden inspiration thanks to which you realize something important, something that makes huge sense and gives answers to vital issues. And just as with everything true and meaningful, an insight is given freely.
Maxim Efimov
Translated by Irina Efimova
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