Dear Readers!
Happy to invite you to my book presentation in Antwerp. Hope to see you soon!
Best wishes,
Maxim Efimov
Book presentation: MAXIM EFIMOV, Antwerp through the eyes of a Russian refugee. Impressions and interviews. (written in Dutch)
De Groene Waterman, Wolstraat 7, Antwerp
Friday 6th of May at 4pm
hosted by PEN Vlaanderen
Maxim Efimov (1976) is a Russian journalist, blogger and human rights activist. During the first part of 2015 he stayed in residence at the Antwerp PEN Writers Flat. In Antwerp he explored the city and met numerous people. His impressions (the church of Carolus Borromeus, a MAS exposition, the annual Gay Pride) and his encounters (with famous people as Ludo Van Campenhout, Michaël Vandebril, Nigel Williams and Joke van Leeuwen, among others) he wrote down in his ‘Antwerp through the yes of a Russian refugee’.
On Friday 6th of May Sven Peeters, responsable for the PEN Writers Residence, will talk to Maxim Efimov about his Antwerp stay and his book.
About the author:
Maxim Efimov comes from the Republic of Karelia, Russia. He is a journalist, blogger and human rights activist with a special interest in youth and gender issues. In 2000 he founded the Karelian Youth Human Rights Group (YHRG), closed in 2015 by the authorities due to allegedly extremist activities. Efimov is the former head of the local Amnesty International Office in Karelia and the Karelian Youth Anti-Fascist Center. He published booklets on LGTB rights and contemporary racism. He fought against corruption, abuse of public funding and against the power of the intelligent services. After criticizing the Russian Orthodox Church Efimov was brought before court and had to flee the country when the Church and the state authorities threathened to lock him up. Since May 2012 Efimov is a recognized political refugee in Estonia. His name is on the Russian federal list of
wanted extremists and terrorists until today.
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