пятница, 29 апреля 2016 г.

In Support for Vladimir Bukovsky

The International Committee for the Defense of Boris Stomakhin (ICDS) expresses full support for the well-known human rights activist and public figure, our colleague Vladimir Konstantinovich Bukovsky. We do not doubt that the charges against him are the result of errors, misunderstandings, or rather cynical provocation of the Russian special services who are trying to discredit the reputation of Mr. Bukovsky, one of the most tough and consistent critics of the Putin regime.
We respect the British justice, do not tend to jeopardize its independence and do not try to exert whatever pressure. But we believe that more your attention to "the Bukovsky case" and giving him, as soon as possible, an opportunity to defend his good name would be just one more demonstration of the best qualities of the British law enforcement system, its focus on the protection of the human rights and justice. Therefore, we support the demand of Vladimir Bukovsky and a petition on his behalf, addressed to the Supreme Court of England and Wales, hosted on the website  Change.org.
For all of us, personal freedom and human life is the highest value. We understand that Vladimir Bukovsky went on hunger strike as a last resort, after exhausting other options to protect his reputation. We respect his right for doing so. And, at the same time, we are very concerned that the continuation of the hunger strike can cause irreparable harm to his health and threatens his life.
Dear Vladimir Konstantinovich, your life is priceless! No forces of evil could harm your good name, no matter how sophisticated methods they may use. We exspect that the voices of tens of thousands of honest and freedom-loving people around the world will be heard, and an appeal to the British justice will receive timely and adequate response.
The International Committee for the Defense of Boris Stomakhin

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