вторник, 27 сентября 2016 г.

In Estonia there are political pop singers with goat voices, tormenting hearing, in power

How else can we explain the civilization lagging of Estonia, its transformation into a cemetery of people and ideas?

In Sweden a 6-hour working day was implemented. In Great Britain there are shops with free food arriving from hypermarkets. France forbade disposable plastic tableware. Holland legalized marijuana. Finland is implementing unconditional basic income. In Belgium there are several state languages. In Holland and Sweden prisons are abolished. Iceland credits the population and implements direct democracy. Germany accepts refugees, performing the function of a saving humanitarian convoy.

By the way, about refugees. Why is it necessary to save refugees? The bulk of people everywhere and always is mediocre, narrow people. But there is a small amount of human diamonds which you can't recognize immediately - a person needs time to reveal himself and begin to sparkle with all the  sides of his talent.

In 437 years (from 1258 to 1696) the order of Trinitarians redeemed 30 732 slaves from Muslim captivity. And only one of them glorified Spain before the whole world and significantly contributed to the world culture. It was Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra who was redeemed from Algerian captivity.

25 years ago Fadumo Dayib fled from Somalia to Finland because of a civil war. Now she decided to return to Somalia, having become the first female candidate for president of the country. She isn't afraid of death and wants prosperity for Somalia.

And what is the government of Estonia proud of? It's proud of the fact that here you have electronic elections and people, without leaving their homes, can choose to listen to several mournful old pop melodies for a period of 5 years. It's proud of the fact that new prisons are under construction.  It's proud of the fact that here marijuana isn't legalized, but people drink alcohol more than in other countries, trying to escape from reality.

Recently Estonia celebrated the 25th anniversary of independence and freedom. But what freedom are we talking about if people are constantly forced to think about money and spend their lives to earn money and survive? 

Until there starts an equitable distribution of budgetary funds, until people have unconditional basic income which will allow them to do their favorite thing and not think about money , living as they want, it is too early to speak about freedom and happiness in Estonia.

Maxim Efimov,
social philosopher, social critic, political refugee, writer, founder of the Allocentric party of Estonia

Translated by Irina Efimova

пятница, 23 сентября 2016 г.

Main values: free time, free education and intellectual communication

People are inclined to get caught up in minor things. To attach significance to insignificant. To believe in nonexistent. To wish what they actually don't need.

Tell me, why does anyone need a president? Why do I need a president? What do I have to gain by having a president?

People work to buy some knickknack like a ring with a diamond, or another car, or a hundred pairs of shoes, etc. It's possible to do without so many things which are allegedly necessary, so that you can spend time and strength on something really meaningful and valuable. Isn't it sad that things rule a person?

Why are there so many languages? Languages divide people! The myth about the Babel tower tells us that its construction was stopped by God who created modern languages for different people and that's why they stopped understanding each other.

Nationalism is based on distinctions. For example, the Russian world wouldn't exist if there was no Russian language.

Take a note of the fact that those countries where English is the state language, are more free and safer than the others. Or where English is unofficially the second state language, i.e. where everyone speaks it, as for example, in Holland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark.

Also look at the level of living and happiness in the nationalist countries where emphasis is placed on knowledge of the local language and even purity of the language - the Baltics, Russia, the countries of Central Asia, etc.

Language inequality, language domination is always a sign of the existing attitude of inequality in general, of injustice. Russia is a nationalist, unfair and aggressive country, and it happened that citizens of Russia know only one language. Just like the USA, by the way, where most of its citizens are badly educated and speak only English.

My familiar European intellectuals learn Arabic to be able to understand and communicate with those people who came to their country from the East. For them it's a big benefit and pleasure, and also a demonstration of equality, openness, friendliness.

Language is only a means of communication. The problem is that people, knowing language, lost skills of intellectual communication and that's why they feel lonely.

I know very few people who are real masters of intellectual communication. Full communication is a method of overcoming loneliness and a way to happiness. Certainly, it is necessary to begin with learning languages, and then psychology, philosophy and also how to be empathetic. It's also important for a person to have enough free time for communication. So, here is the main thing - free time and free education.

Maxim Efimov,
director of the Institute of Personal Development, social philosopher, writer

Translated by Irina Efimova

четверг, 22 сентября 2016 г.

In Estonia products which are produced by the nature must be free

I agree with Jose Mujica - there shouldn't be wealthy men in power. The person whose life purpose is earning money, will hardly create something outstanding but he will turn the country into a continuous trade stall.

Estonia, having gained independence, has a chance to construct another society. But what has it  constructed? A labor camp in which people work for a minimum wage, a society of inequality, irrational use of resources.

I constantly receive advertizing of goods and I throw it out, even without reading. Hypermarkets spend money for advertizing of bowls, pants, means for cleaning toilets, shining sticks. And for the sake of this garbage woods are destroyed and the environment is polluted. Isn't it necessary to forbid all advertizing except electronic?

Annually hypermarkets of Estonia throw out products which cost 25 million euros while there are people who undereat. And no one cares about this cynicism and beastliness.

Nobody, except the Allocentric party of Estonia, wants to oblige hypermarkets to give away goods to poor people. Some of them even manage to sell pies with the expired storage duration at a discount. Greed doesn't know limits.

I think about a video where a private restaurant (of course, not Estonian) set a refrigerator on the street and each person in need could take food from there free of charge. How magnanimous!

Each person should have enough to eat. Food is not a privilege, but a human right which should be guaranteed by the state. The person shouldn't work for the sake of food and for food. Everything that the earth, the nature gives, should be free: flour, vegetables, fruit, milk, eggs, meat.

Wealthy men aren't concerned by the problems of the poor. Therefore the rich shouldn't be in power because they won't solve problems of citizens or build a society of a new type.

Philosophers should be in power!

Deputies should work for a minimum wage, as well as most of Estonian citizens. Only when deputies are personally interested in increase in a minimum wage, something will move off dead center.

Maxim Efimov,
social philosopher, social critic, founder of the Allocentric party of Estonia

Translated by Irina Efimova

среда, 21 сентября 2016 г.

My resurrected in the spirit granny inspired me to live and look for a great treasure

In the 16th century a Catholic priest Menno Simons brought together his accomplices who founded their communities in different countries where they could live according to their beliefs and not to be persecuted by authorities.

I created Mefland with the same purpose. Mefland exists for the intellectual, physical and moral development of personality, for problem solving.  Mefland is founded on the principles of altruism, non-violence, creativity, self-realization.

We also have our atypical religion "Babulya" based on the cult of grandmothers. I believe in the resurrection from the dead in the spirit, and my late grandmother appeared to me in dreams and inspired me to live and look for a great treasure which will change the world!

The main ethical principle of Mefland is: "Treat each other just like grandmothers treat their grandchildren!"

Now am I looking for like-minded people around the world. It is the first stage - virtual nationality!

Then Mefland will be looking for a real place on this planet and trying to obtain recognition as
a sovereign state or an autonomous territory in some socially advanced country.

Maxim Efimov,
President of Mefland, social philosopher, prophet of religion "Babulya"

Translated by Irina Efimova

In Estonia there is a weak civil society and strong uncontrollable authority

What are the main challenges that Estonia faces today?

1. The government and parliament became a corporation which pursues only its own interests. Pseudo-intellectuals, careerists and sociopaths are in office and they act in their selfish interests and for the benefit of wealthy men.

The Estonian power is anxious with its own international prestige. A striking example of it is  "Estonian air", a state-owned airline which was liquidated and fined by the EU for distortion of competion. Whaling sums of money from the taxpayers were poured into it just for the sake of prestige, so that the ruling class and businessmen would fly this airline and could be proud of the fact that the country in which they live and do business, has its own airline.

Now the government of Estonia is going to spend 22 million euros for repair of the building of Embassy of Estonia in Moscow. With this money it is possible to build 1000 houses for residents of Estonia.

A few years ago another state-owned company "Eesti Energia" paid 50 million euros to the person advising the company. It is obvious that this mad fee was not for the benefit of residents of Estonia.

Electing and supporting a corporate president who, in principle, isn't necessary to most of citizens, but he is necessary to the corporation of officials and businessmen for the sake of maintenance of the international prestige of the country.
The state gives money to useless, inefficient officials and pays them salaries for creating an illusion of labor activity, because of fear to lose prestige and control over society, and also to reduce social tension. Why not to pay money for doing nothing to everybody? People would invent their own employment.

To put it shortly, instead of increasing quality of life and wellbeing of residents of Estonia, the government spends money for showing off and keeps their own people under lock and key.

Therefore I think that the government should resign, and the ideology of the authorities must change drastically. The power should respect a person living in Estonia and to care for him!
Today the invented state interests are above the interests of the person. And this is the reason for  inequality, injustice, poverty, corruption. But it will not change due to the government's own free will, and the Estonian "people keep silence". And here is one more vital issue:

2. A weak civil society and lack of a positive social protest and peaceful disobedience for the benefit of civil society and each resident of Estonia. A society should control the power, and not the other way around. Today Estonia is controlled by the intelligence agencies.

I don't see that Estonians are a civil nation and can control their authorities. They are very similar to Russians, Belarusians, Uzbeks in this. Estonians are long-suffering, timid, glad to be deceived and with lack of solidarity. Sometimes doctors and teachers strike, but it is very rare. Nobody else strikes. Unconstructive forms of protest are more popular in Estonia: alcoholism, drug addiction, crime, rare refusals of chattel slavery, economic migration, and also tax avoidance and bankruptcy with further settlement of debts.

Nonetheless, I don't see a tendency to positive changes for the benefit of all society.

It's painful for me to see how an Estonian single mother can't repair a fireplace and a roof of her small house - the house which used to be a summer house. For many years she has been on antidepressants. It is painful for me to see the Estonian poor people who seldom wash, saving water, and instead of shampoo they use dishwashing liquid. It is painful to me to hear how a person who doesn't have money for dental care pulls out a painful tooth with flat-nose pliers himself. It's painful to see Estonian alcoholics sleeping right on the road. It is sad to think that the country is dying out and turning into a hospice with the armed security forces consisting of the army of NATO.

In my opinion, Estonia is on the verge of catastrophic crash. The population promptly grows old and dies out. The territory of the country becomes empty. The citizens work for a minimum wage and 75% aren't satisfied with their jobs. The youth leaves the country. Estonia is on the first place on alcohol consumption. The problem of a depression costs very seriously. There is stagnation in the country. There is a militarization in high gear. Obvious deficit of intellectuals is felt. Estonia is ruled by poshes who receive a ministerial salary for suggesting to impose a tax on sugar or to spend 400 000 euros for the translation of summaries to drugs instead of obliging the pharmaceutical companies to do it under the law. Such examples of silliness are too many! This desire of the Estonian society to bear this imperious burden seems irrational to me.

The Allocentric party of Estonia proposes the following measures to resolve the deadlock:

1. The present government should resign. Intellectuals from the Scandinavian countries who can construct a Nordic model of a happy society by the example of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, should be invited to work in the government .

2. The deputies of the Riigikogu, the president, members of the government, and also officials should work for a minimum wage. In power there shouldn't be wealthy people who are richer then the bulk of the population.

3. Foreigners such as permanent alien citizens should be legislatively allowed to be elected to the parliament of Estonia and local government bodies, to hold positions in the government of Estonia. Social and political ideas, as well as scientific ones, should compete, and their carriers should have an opportunity to implement their ideas in Estonia in case if the citizens support them.

4. The progressive scale of the taxation should be implemented - the more the person earns, the more taxes he pays.

5. The policy of decentralization should begin, which means that it's necessary to populate all the territory of Estonia, settling Tallinn.

6. The state should grant non-interest loans to the population for the construction of private housing. An ordinary house costs about 15000 euro.

7. It is necessary to oblige hypermarkets not to throw out products, but to give them away for charitable needs!

8. To reduce the bureaucratic structures which are engaged in unproductive activity - for example, language inspection, institute of human rights, unemployment insurance fund.

9. To refuse public financing of mass media. Media should be only private.

10. The basic unconditional income should be implemented. That means, that the residents of Estonia should have a choice: to work somewhere for a salary or to receive an unconditional income - about 600 euros. It will revive economy and give the citizens a chance to do their favorite things.

11. There shouldn't be such an obstacle for  construction of a private house as in the form of the high price of the land. The land, in principle, shouldn't be traded.

12. The state shouldn't spend more money for arms, than it is recommended by NATO.

13. To shorten working hours to 6 by the example of Sweden.

14. To legalize marijuana by the example of Holland.

15. Regular schools should be private and compete among themselves!

16. New active immigrant policy. To attract professionals and intellectuals, and also people with the equity, granting them a permanent residence or citizenship.

Maxim Efimov,
founder of the Allocentric party of Estonia, social philosopher, social critic

Translated by Irina Efimova

воскресенье, 18 сентября 2016 г.

In Estonia there is a censorship by mediocre people

My articles aren't published in Estonia anymore. It's a pity that such a bright, original, clever, and liberal person as I, isn't published anymore, or it's very rare. Yesterday there was such a special case.

It is, of course, censorship, but a censorship by mediocre people, that is, control of impoverished minds over content and distribution of information. Innovative social ideas have no chance to be put into action here because the society doesn't have  innovators, there aren't enough intellectuals. That is the tragedy and a real disaster of Estonia. That is the disaster of the entire former Soviet Union - repugnance to the intelligent!

There are just no readers for my articles in Estonia, not to mention that my ideas could win minds of Estonians.

All TV channels and all media here prefer to discuss sex life of some pregnant sixteen-year-old Estonian girl who went to her boyfriend in Spain. The society of feeble-minded, as well as in Russia or Uzbekistan, doesn't differ much.

Well, now I have decided to celebrate publications of my articles in the Estonian media. I will drink Spanish wine for it and for my publicistic talent, public temperament and brilliant mind!

Let me drink a toast for myself and for everything that makes my life cheerful and happy!

Maxim Efimov,
social philosopher, social critic, writer

This is the article in Russian: http://stolitsa.ee/cat/opinion/maksim_jefimov_vlasti_estonii_prjevratili_svoyu_stranu_v_trudovoj_lagjer_gdje_rabotayut_za_jedu/143265?page=1

Maxim Efimov: the authorities of Estonia turned the country into a labor camp where people work for food

Though 77 percent of citizens of Estonia support membership of Estonia in the EU, 55 percent don't believe in viability of the union, as it was reported in the research conducted by the Turu-uuringute AS by request of the Institute of public researches.

The leading topic of the day on Stolitsa.ee portal was commented by a social philosopher, social critic, writer-satirist Maxim Efimov:

"I perfectly understand residents of Estonia who support that Estonia should remain as a part of the EU because it is the unique chance for Estonians to make their life better - simply to go to an affluent European country as a citizen of the EU.

It seems to me, there is no reason for the disintegration of the EU, therefore the government of Estonia can continue to beg for money from the European funds.

The EU in general isn't really interested in political and social development of Estonia.

I think it would be better, if there appeared a unified Scandinavian or Nordic government, and it would be possible to abolish the legislative Estonian power and the government with the president in general without any damage to the country.

Look where Estonians go and where they live – in Scandinavia. Estonians already voted with feet for such model. And God forbid, if they return to Estonia, because problems here will begin immediately and crime rate will grow because in Estonia they won't be able earn as much money and to be at the same level of wellbeing to which got used in Scandinavian countries. The authorities of Estonia turned the country into a labor camp where people work for food, and it's not interesting to anyone in the world. This camp has only one idea, which is false, and it says that work makes Estonians free.

I go outside and I see faces of people who look like convicts, and I have a feeling that I serve a sentence with them here. It seems to me that Estonia can't exist as an independent happy state because there are so few intelligent people  that they don't influence anything. The power of the people and elections are a big myth. Actually, a certain imperious minority establishes the order.

And it's a pity that in Estonia it consists of pseudo-intellectuals and careerists.

Intelligent people aren't needed in Estonia, and citizens in general aren't necessary.

Take note that for several years nobody was given Estonian citizenship for their merits for Estonia.

But the Estonian authorities love when they are flattered and they don't know a thing about self-criticism and asceticism.

In general I think that ascetic people should have the power, and not those who love money.

Politicians live their own lives and solve made-up problems. As I understand, 101 is the ideal number of citizens of Estonia, and they elect the president of the Riigikogu. In general there is, seemingly, a terrible staff scarcity, if a former member of the CPSU and a shopping addict become candidates for president.

Once again I want to emphasize that the main problem in Estonia is a lack of a critical mass of intellectuals in the halls of power".

Translated by Irina Efimova

пятница, 2 сентября 2016 г.

I urge Estonia not to be afraid to experiment, or the end to a civilized slavery

How I experiment with my life. An experiment, cognitive ability - is a powerful driving force. Experiments aren't always successful, but success is impossible without experiments. So, in Estonia there began discussions on the topic of implementing basic unconditional income.

"Two thirds of residents of Estonia would leave their jobs if the state began to pay them a sufficient financial benefit", a public opinion poll says.
The question that was offered to the participants of a research was formulated as follows: "Let's imagine a situation when the state pays its citizens money, and you can leave your job. Would you agree to leave your job, and if yes, what amount of money would you like to get from the state on a monthly basis?".

Thus, an average resident of Estonia would like to receive 950 euros from the state. At the same time 38% of respondents expressed desire to continue to work anyway".

In Estonia the majority of the population isn't satisfied with their jobs. That's a sad fact. A job can be either a source of inspiration and infinite joy, or the evil that destroys a person and wrecks his life.

2/3 of the population in Estonia are ready to leave their jobs. People either don't do their thing or they do what they don't like.

Why do I urge the Estonian authorities to begin an experiment on paying a sufficient financial benefit so that people wouldn't have to be engaged in routine work which they don't like?

1. Residents of Estonia will receive freedom of choice. Money is a means to achieve a goal. Everyone has a goal. With money and free time people can achieve their goals and become happy and satisfied. What would I spend my monthly benefit on? On my education - to acquire new skills and knowledge, to develop the skills I already have. On my publishing activities. I would publish my books and sell them. The sales taxes would go to the budget. On building my own house. And etc.
As we see, unconditional income would revive the economy and allow residents of Estonia to do what they like.

2. Residents of Estonia will have free time. It is obvious that many things which exist in the old manner, are simply not necessary. For example, Unemployment insurance fund isn't neccessary because it doesn't help a person find a job. Having an income would give everyone an opportunity to spend it as he wishes, including paying for his education or on starting his own business. It's a "win-win" deal. If people have money, it will lead to a powerful domestic demand. The economy will flourish. Besides, people will work as many hours as they want and sleep as long as they want. Thus, they will get rid of a constant stress and anxiety connected to lack of sleep, daily 8-hour unproductive work (it's well-known that an ideal time for work is 3 days a week), fear of losing a job and ending up on a dump. Having free time will allow people to communicate with each other more, attend interesting events,  arrange private life and be engaged in artwork. Many people can't start a family because they don't have time or they don't have enough money to keep a family and have children. Thus, Estonia would solve a demographic problem.

3. It seems to me that Estonia would make the right turn if it preferred downshifting and upshifting across the nation, and also care of people. At least, the unconditional basic income would save people from stress and depression, soothe their nerves and make them happy. Isn't it a dream of Estonians - to be a happy nation? Parents will stop terrorizing their children, reproaching them that they don't earn anything. And children won't reproach their parents that they never have enough money, and also, that they are never there for them. Poverty and starvation will be done away with. Routine work will be succeeded by self-employment.

4. In Estonia death rate exceeds birth rate, people leave Estonia and go to other countries searching not only for material welfare, but also a psychologically comfortable society. To change this status quo, it is necessary to change priorities, it is necessary to change the attitude towards a person. Unconditional income will give people confidence in today and tomorrow, promote growth of birth rate and will stop outward migration flow. Equal opportunities and guaranteed decent income will re-educate Estonians who will begin to think differently - in the manner of "win-win" thinking.  And this new way of thinking will also be what will make a new generation of Estonians to be different from the Soviet and Post-Soviet generation. Psychologically and economically favorable life environment will provide decrease in crime rate and reduction of expenses on fight against criminality. Cooperation, altruism and mutual assistance will replace competition, consumerism and careerism.

5. Unconditional income will allow to turn Estonia into a society of communication, that is, intellectual communication will become the most important element of a new society. It will be an incitement in intellectual development of the Estonian society, it will promote development of Estonian and other languages. The open market hasn't brought happiness to Estonians. Moreover, the free market and worries about economy only encourage greed which is a negative trait of character, a moral defect.

I am quoting a social philosopher Jeremy Rifkin:
"The primary human drive is not insatiable material wants, as the economists would have us believe, but rather the quest for sociability. What makes us happy, after our minimum requirements for material comforts are met, is affection and companionship. We seek to belong, not to possess... In the Collaborative Age, learning is regarded as a crowdsourcing process and knowledge is treated as a publically shared good, available to all, mirroring the emerging definition of human behavior as deeply social and interactive in nature".

It is the lack of communication that turns us into Mowgli, promotes dehumanization of society, intolerance, hatred, meanness and is the reason of escapism, including its negative forms, such as alcoholism and drug addiction. Communication is a cooperation. And that's what a normal society should be like.

Maxim Efimov,
writer, social philosopher

Translated by Irina Efimova

четверг, 1 сентября 2016 г.

The main world problem is greed! That's what the state should regulate

The truth is born in a dialogue. Thank you for your comments and opinions. I will reply to "Soroka-vorovka".

"A nationality is only a convention, a religion is a play of chance (depending on where one was born and grew up). But citizenship and language is a practical need. Of course, it's great to know several languages, and even better to understand corresponding cultures and their religions, but it's not on the cards for everyone. To be ashamed of your fate is nonsense, and to shame others for the misery of their fate is a snobbish arrogance".

People live in the world which is thought up for them, in these conventions, and are proud of their nationality. Russian people reached megalomania in their pride, and the reasons of it are quite objective - most Russians don't travel anywhere, except their trips to work by a trolleybus, intercultural communication didn't touch them, they are victims of the state xenophobic propaganda. While I was studying at the Philology Department, I was very much proud of the Russian culture, felt like a Slavophile, but to a large extent I was a Westerner. Nevertheless, for me the Russian culture is something imperceptible that was transferred to me from my elderly relative. It is difficult to express it in words, but I can't feel this Russian culture anywhere else except as in myself. Well, it is mysticism, a great mystery! It is impossible to explain anything here. The culture is transmitted exactly this way - from person to person, and not through books.

What about my nationality? Well, I have been taken for anyone, except for a Russian man :) Did I feel myself as Russian? I don't even know what that is. In fact, it didn't matter to me at all. That's why nationalism is perceived by me as a pretty bizarre phenomenon.

In short, when I began pondering on what is in me that is from myself, I realized that there was very little, that I was a product of the society. And I didn't like that product. Therefore, the main goal of my life became to work on myself and develop my own identity. And for many people that's rubbish. This path is the most thorny, because any society prevents the development of an individual, and doesn't want to support him, even though the Western European society, of course, is more tolerant and pluralist, than Eastern Europe.

Apparently, everything that is imposed, what isn't a result of a free choice, should be rejected. So nationality, religion and even statehood isn't important to me. I don't treasure the Russian citizenship. Russian is only the means of communication. Language which I perfectly know is the thought transmission medium, and it simplifies this task for me.

In any country nationalists are the first swindlers. All of the above-mentioned is blinders which are put on a person to limit his freedom of activities, area of spiritual sight. People are consciously made fools. And here you call it the fine word fate. No, it`s not fate, it's political strategies. Fate needs to be earned!

"Stigmatization inside the society and xenophobia outside of it is a universal feature, but not some  Russian specifics. It is inherent to white-skinned, black men, Christians, Muslims, Asians, and Europeans. Exceptions among the developed societies are unknown to me".

A person is inclined to be a pig towards himself and others. For example, where are refugees treated badly? Where natives aren't appreciated. The higher the intellectual level of development and international cultural experience, the higher is his caliber, dignity. But which country has provided all conditions to acquire such experience?

The fate of the Post-Soviet countries is sad. They are not interested in anything except loot :)

"In any society there are always misfits, outcasts - derelicts. It's not a sadistic goal in itself to "degrade, deprive of dignity, tread to pieces", the aim is to boost your own self-respect, i.e. not to feel yourself at the bottom of the heap, but to be a part of the society. That's why this tendency is evident the more clearly the lower the social group is and the worse its status in public hierarchy is. And it's not about "greatness" or "pettiness" (what is that to begin with?) but it's about the fact that people with high social status or with a high level of consciousness (which is very rare) don't need such form of asserting themselves. It is evident even in the foreign relations".

In my opinion, the society where there are derelicts  is a derelict itself. Crime, poverty, beggarly benefits, value of routine and unproductive work, public financing of media, emphasized patriotism are manifestations of corruption and poor management. Derelicts are where there is a win-lose strategy Societies which are guided by win-win strategy for everyone, don't have derelicts.

"That's why Europeans (beginning from the middle class and higher) are more tolerant to "strangers" because they perfectly understand their exclusive status in the world. But there are "lower classes" in Europe too and the middle class is tolerant as long as "strangers" behave "as they are supposed to"."

I know some representatives of middle class in Western Europe who would be very glad not to see immigrants. They laugh at them, telling politically incorrect jokes in private conversations (and that personally only amuses me), they think that their taxes go to support scum of the earth, they vote for nationalists. These people love money too much. They love it so much that they are willing to be mean, deceive and even kill their brothers for money.
Greed must be limited and stopped. Healthy society should assert humanistic values, solve problems, care for people. Why do we need a state if it doesn't provide social protection, doesn't regulate greed? It is from such countries that people immigrate and such countries die out.

"Jokes aside, it happens because the EU isn't able to feed all the poor and unlucky people who consider themselves to be "not worse then others".

There are many workplaces in Europe but if officially you aren't a citizen of the EU, you can't get a legal job. A lot of people work illegally. They aren't socially protected in any way, they earn less then citizens of the EU. And it seems that Europe profits from the illicit labot market. And we still have to find out the reasons for the world poverty. Why don't large corporations treat others just as they treat Americans? Again, the blame lies at the door of greed.

As for refugees, it's neccessary to think about the reasons of this phenomenon and also to remember history, because Europeans used to be refugees. And migration in general is normal and natural, and  then it's essential to adapt to it wisely and see its bright side. 

"Release of spiritual resources is very opportunely - it`s a high time to get to know reality better".

Yes I run away from reality, I guess, because it is sordid everywhere and it quickly annoys.

"What is an "insight"?"

It's a sudden inspiration thanks to which you realize something important, something that makes huge sense and gives answers to vital issues. And just as with everything true and meaningful, an insight is given freely.

Maxim Efimov

Translated by Irina Efimova