среда, 31 августа 2016 г.

The thoughts which came to me during the training on intercultural dialogue and after it

I must confess that my greatest pleasure now is freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of expression. "I think, therefore, I exist". I write and speak, so I live! And I feel sorry for those who can't express themselves, including presidents for whom someone writes speeches and who live not the real, but ritual life.

Recently I have visited a training of the Estonian non-profit organization "Trajectory" which was devoted to a intercultural dialogue. And now I will try to expound my impressions and thoughts.

I love culture and I think that culture is the main achievement of the mankind. I like a philosophically humorous definition of culture given by Mirab Mamardashvili: "Culture is what remains when I have forgotten everything".
I love high Arab culture, cultures of the East though my knowledge of them is rather superficial.

And so at this training we had 23 people from Estonia, Spain, Lebanon, Turkey, Tunisia, Italy, Lithuania, Egypt, Jordan.

That week-long marathon was difficult for me. And ask myself why I came under the influence of others, which was not to my interest, so that I would lie several days flat-out, without energy, without my usual cheerful view of life. Sartre was right: "Hell is others". And though I was like a squeezed orange, which had only bitterness left in it, that event was meaninful, thanks to my reflections.

So here are some of my thoughts.

- A man is inclined to abuse power. Therefore, any action has to give rise to counteraction.

- People are ready to stand discomfort and to work to the detriment of themselves for the sake of the high idea and in a group.

- The one who establishes rules, abuses them and manipulates people using rules. 

- People are afraid to object.

- A plan formalizes human life.

- There is always less of interesting and meaningful than uninteresting and routine.

- First of all it is necessary to teach logic.

- A society will always be divided into those who want to learn and who pretend to be studying.

- To be boring is a social norm.

- A person needs the authority and he is inclined to doubt himself more than others, that is, he wants to be manipulated.

- Socially approved behavior is a source of neurosises and sufferings.

- Destroy yourself positively! Break frameworks! The fewer expectations, the better. Don't act in an expected and approved way. It is boring and cements your brain and life.

- Different people perceive the same event differently!

- Don't be afraid to offend, don't be afraid to look stupid. It is much more valuable than the desire to please others.

- It isn't enough to be a charming person, it is necessary to have principles. A person who has principles should be charming.

- All problems arise because of a lack of communication and dialogue.

- Fatigue, exhaustion are consequences of unproductive activity.

- It is neccessary to learn to enjoy life.

- Over-organization and control make people unhappy.

- Every day a person should get enough rest and have a good night's sleep, he should look as if he has just returned from a vacation. 

- If you are silent, you are an accomplice.

- The law of Maxim Efimov: "A person you trust will surely hit your raw nerve".

- Be different from others!

- If you do something, you always take a risk. The government knows that and it prefers to do nothing because there are less consequences from idleness than from active actions. That is cowardice. To change a situation always means to risk your status, reputation and tranquility. Not too many want this, that seems to be silly. As we are identified by others, we don't want to be identified as fools. Thus, any power is a reflection of the society.

- Having reached the top of a social pyramid, a person ceases to study, reaching his own level of cretinism. Any power is incompetent and silly. Look at the debates of politicians in all countries. There's nothing sillier than that. Other people even write speeches for presidents :) That's why a good ruler is the one who doesn't rule.

- To say what you think is a benefit and an achievement because people are taught to be hypocrites.

- It is safe to laugh only at smart people.

- Time, place and people define me.

- Activity without purpose is wandering in the dark.

- One should look for the core in another person!

- The one who cares for you will want to exploit you.

- Everyone wants to dominate and assert himself but they do it differently depending on the developmental level. Some want to assert themselves while being sure that other people must listen to their long monologues.

Maxim Efimov,
writer, social philosopher, social critic

Translated by Irina Efimova

вторник, 30 августа 2016 г.

I declare myself the Prophet and the incarnation of God on Earth

Along with the recently proclaimed new state of Mefland, today I am declaring a new world religion "Babulya" and I declare myself the Prophet and the incarnation of God on Earth. Soon I will create a separate website where one can learn about Mefland and how he can become its citizen, and also about a new religion "Babulya" and how to become happy.

"Babulya" religion includes a set of moral standards, mystical practice of communication with spirits of the dead who help the living to live and canonization of grandmothers.

For many of us it was grandmothers who played or still play the most important role in teaching kindness and selfless care. My grandmother Evgenia Ivanovna Troitskaya was exactly this way - she cared for me since my childhood and she helped me to survive in my darkest times. Sometimes she comes to me in my dreams and when I see her it fills me with inexplicable sense of meaning and heavenly joy. While she was alive she asked me to call her "Babulya" (Granny). It is in her honor that I gave a name to my new religion.

The religion "Babulya" preaches about treating people just like grandmothers treat their grandchildren - with kindness and fondness. A grandmother accepts her grandchildren just the way they are and cares for them unconditionally. That's what human relations should be like!

Soon I will publish my Good news! It will be a new Gospel for mankind. And soon Mefland will be giving citizenship to people.

Any inhabitant of the planet Earth will be able to become a citizen of Mefland!

We will create a new society, a new state based on the same attitude towards people that is common to grandmothers when they communicate with their grandchildren.

Maxim Efimov,
President of Mefland, prophet of a new world religion "Babulya"

Translated by Irina Efimova

Mefland is the most atypical religious state on Earth

The state of Mefland is a society of people from all over the world, who think not only about themselves and whose goal is intellectual, moral and physical self-development and problem solving. Citizens of Mefland are distinguished by cheerfulness, and that's why the emblem of Mefland has a clown on it. There hasn't been anything like that in the history.

Citizens of Mefland is one family that lives on the basis of the principle of mutual assistance.

Citizens pay an annual fee in the amount of 50 euros, and also pay 150 euros to get  citizenship of Mefland and a passport.

Money arrives in the Bank of Mefland which spends this money to solve problems of its citizens. The property which is bought with the money from the Bank of Mefland becomes the common property of Mefland's citizens. That is, if a citizen of Mefland builds a house with the money he gets from the Bank of Mefland, his house will be considered the property of Mefland and it will belong to all the citizens who can use it by agreement.

The state religion of Mefland is "Babulya". All that is requred of the citizens of Mefland is to observe the main ethical principle of "Babulya" religion - "Treat each other just like grandmothers treat their grandchildren".

Education in Mefland is free of charge and lasts for a lifetime. Citizens of Mefland can get an education in the Institute of Personal Development.

Maxim Efimov,
President of Mefland, prophet of the world religion "Babulya", director of the Institute of Personal Development

Translated by Irina Efimova

понедельник, 29 августа 2016 г.

My purpose is to leave the existing matrix and to create something new for the good of the mankind

Why are people unhappy? One of the main reasons is the matrix they live in. Recently one of my acquaintances declared that he is depressed and he doesn't want to live. The reason of it was having debts, loss of financing and the missed opportunity to earn several thousand dollars a month. The reason of his unwillingness to live is a small amount of money. A few days later he committed suicide. This matrix has existed for thousands of years. And for thousands of years people have been treating themselves and others as if they are goods.

Will a person appreciate you in the same situation if he doesn't value himself? Doubtful! For such people you have value as long as you have money.

Money - that is the most valued possession and real power in the world, in the matrix we all live in.

I, perhaps, know only one person who doesn't live in this matrix.

The existing matrix depreciates everything, except money. Money determines interpersonal relations and plays a major role in them.

Money depreciates all values, including the value of life itself, and is a dehumanization factor.

What advantage is there in the independence of a state if its citizens treat each other as goods, if there is inequality and fight for survival, if people of an independent country are unhappy and don't want to live in that country?

How long can friendship and love last if their basis is a latent prostitution?

Can people be happy in a country where ministers, government employees and deputies earn much more than medical personnel, cleaners, loaders, even though the work of the latter is much harder? Why? Because cleaners can agree to work as ministers, while ministers don't want to do the cleaner's job :)

Everything in this matrix supports its existence - education, religion, culture, sport, elections.

Success in this matrix is seen only as financial, and a person has as much value, as the money he has.

The main fight is a fight for money, for resources.

I created a fundamentally new state - Mefland, a new religion - "Babulya" and a new Institute of Personal Development.

Mefland is founded on the principles of mutual assistance, a combination of private and common property of its citizens. The purpose of Mefland's existence is intellectual, cultural, physical and moral development of a person, and solving his problems.

The religion "Babulya" is based on a cult of grandmother, whose attitude towards her grandchildren is a model for relationships between people. Grannies help even after their physical death, coming in dreams and invisibly helping their living grandchildren, giving meaning to their lives and doing other miracles.

The Institute of Personal Development helps to be different from other people, to achieve progress in developing one's personality, gives opportunities for self-realization of a person and recognition of his talents.

Maxim Efimov,
President of Mefland, prophet of the world religion "Babulya", director of the Institute of Personal Development

Translated by Irina Efimova

воскресенье, 28 августа 2016 г.

I am a Martian and I am proud of it :)))))

I very much love humour, different kinds of it, including grim humour. I like to ridicule people, to draw caricatures. Life is a frivolous thing. The claim to be serious makes everything boring and lifeless at once. If a person doesn't joke, then most likely, he is intellectually lazy.

A serious perception of life is a cause of conflicts. A laughing person is nonaggressive. Laughter adapts us to life, helps to accept life in all its variety. Laughter helps us to accept the challenge, and to accept people who are like hell! I think that there is no laughter in hell. Laughter, a joke is a cheerful way of adaptation to uncertainty of life, to its inconstancy, injustice and total nonsense. Almost each person is a walking caricature of himself.

It is useful to laugh at people, at their appearance, at intellectual lameness. A person is stooped and has a big belly not because he was born that way but because he is lazy to exercize. Stereotypic perception of the world and prejudices are also worthy to be ridiculed because otherwise they turn into the state ideology.
In the book of jokes from the refugee about refugees in Estonia I ridiculed Estonian ethnocentrism in all its manifestations. In the satirical book about Karelia I derided officials, security officers and priests. In the book "Cool Islam" I derided obscurantism of Muslims.

But I love when people laugh at me. I, for example, liked this collage found on one Estonian  website.

I myself think that in Estonia I am an alien. I did such a long journey from Mars, where Mefland is situated, and I was hoping that I would meet soul friends here, but it turned out that people aren't used to live on Earth as freely and cheerfully as on Mars.:)

But I am calm and cheerful. Not for this purpose I  spent so many light years in the UFO, watching boundless space out of my window, so that I might get upset at the fact what an impoverished existence people-ants have arranged for themselves. Evolution actually hasn't ended. And what we have on Earth now is not the limit. As a matter of fact, the immediate goal for a person is to become a better version of himself. And I am going to cooperate with those people who have evolved to the best versions of themselves, so that I can impart to them sacral knowledge which everyone has on Mars, my homeland. 
Laugh, my friends! Rejoice, for I am among you! Who isn't cheerful, isn't a Martian! :)

Maxim Efimov,
President of Mefland, honourable citizen of Mars, interplanetary traveler, writer, social critic

Translated by Irina Efimova

Dinosaurs didn't die out. They evolved into politicians and officers of intelligence agencies!

What is the difference between Mefland and other countries of the world? All countries basically stand on violence or threat of using violence. Inequality - that's the fundation of the modern countries' policy. In Mefland there are no intelligence agencies, no army, no police. Mefland is absolutely a nonviolent state!

All are equal in Mefland. The president of Mefland doesn't have any special power. He is just an an idea giver, an attractor, the singularity point! That's what differs the president of Mefland from other presidents, for whom special people even write their speeches!

States are hypocritical and obscurant. Take one simple example: institutionalization of religions and protection of the rights of believers. That's absurd in itself. The Constitutions of many countries of the world have in fact institutionalized obscurantism! How is it possible to build churches, synagogues and mosques when there are homeless people, or those who live in extremely constrained conditions in the uncomfortable housing, when there are poor and starving people? The religion helps the states to turn people into civilized slaves.

Mefland is not a religious state in the conventional sense of the word. Belief is a personal matter for everyone.

But i created a new world religion "Babulya". For me it is the most important to follow some ethic principles, than to follow the rituals. The main principle of my own religion "Babulya" is: treat each other as the grandmother treats her grandchildren. I have almost written a new Gospel - the Good news - for all citizens of Mefland. In many respects it is a motivational book, our Constitution! A constitution has to motivate a person to live! I will soon publish my "Holy Scriptures". No president has ever done anything like that!

In Mefland there is no television, unlike all other states of the world! The citizens of Mefland read and write books, shoot their meaningful videos and the main thing - they constantly have intellectual communication with each other - exchange their ideas, carry out joint projects! This is a society of solidarity and cooperation!

I believe that a real journalist has to be able to found his own state or become a herald of a new state, as for example, Theodor Herzl. If a journalist isn't able to do this, he isn't a journalist and there's no need to read his works or listen to him. He doesn't have his personal opinion. He is a tool of propaganda, a cog in a machine!

Besides, all states are built on greed. Mefland is the only state in the world that is built on the principles of altruism, allocentrism, unselfishness and mutual aid!

And yes, citizens of Mefland don't have social fears, unlike citizens of all other countries, because fears are self-fulfilling prophecies: what we are afraid of comes true! Citizens of Mefland will always support each other and the state of Mefland is founded to help each other, to solve problems on the basis of win-win thinking!

Maxim Efimov,
The president of Mefland, writer, social philosopher, civil journalist

Translated by Irina Efimova

суббота, 27 августа 2016 г.

What's the difference between Mefland and Liberland? Why will I apply for the Nobel prize?

Dear Friends! I am very glad that you write to me about Mefland, ask me questions and you welcome the foundation of Mefland. So far I have received replies from Belgium, Lithuania and Russia.

You ask me about what I think of Liberland and in what way it is different from Mefland.
Here a short clip by Euronews about Liberland! http://ru.euronews.com/2015/07/22/liberland-utopian-tax-free-micronation-or-state-of-mind

What is the fundamental difference?

"The association of settlers of Liberlend is headed by a Swiss entrepreneur Niklas Nicolaisen: "The association of settlers in Liberland is financed by "Liberland Settlement Corporation" investment company which is a joint-stock company. Thus, taking its shares, you can also become the co-owner of the land in Liberland. If all goes well, we can expect a good profit. However, there is a risk, too, and it's  considerable. So everyone who joins the project financially should know that there is no guarantee that we will be able to achieve the sovereignty of Liberland".

From this quote it is clear that Liberland is a commercial project which works only due to the greed of people. That is, people want to scoop up land as their property, and then, in case of a good outcome, to sell it expensively.

Mefland is founded on completely other principles. We condemn greed. For example, what has greed led Estonia to? To semi-vacant and  tumble-down houses because homeowners don't want to live in them or repair them, but to sell them as expensively as they can, and they wait for buyers.
Greed spoils Estonia.

I can't build an inexpensive house for myself because all land is in private property. Even though Estonia is empty, the land is empty, it is impossible to construct anything there because the plots of land were given to someone who owns them after the privatization but he doesn't live there himself or give it to anyone else. That means that the land became a method for earning money.

I can't purchase an empty land area because of high cost and greed of the owners. I can't build a house and live in it. What is offered to me by Estonian authorities? To build a house on trees! Yes, seriously. And to live in it as a monkey in a birch tree.

Mefland doesn't recognize private property on natural resources. The land can't belong to anybody, it can't be traded. It exists so that people can live on it, not as means of accumulation. Look how many empty apartments and houses there are in Estonia and across all Europe. Houses in which nobody lives and which aren't used. In Mefland there is intelligent life and such situation when people own things only from greed, is just inadmissible!

Liberland is a specific territory. For Mefland the territory is not the most important thing essentially. The main thing is a society consisting of intellectually developed people and united by common values!

What is a territory of a state? In fact it is the same thing as an areal for animails, which they mark and which they protect from strangers. A traditional state is likened to the animal world. Mefland is different from it by  the high level of development of intelligence of its citizens for whom the territory isn't important.

I preach on common property. That means - what will be constructed in Mefland will belong to all citizens. Liberland is an illusion of freedom! A person can't be free if he owns something and depends on what what he has, and he constantly wants more! A free person is free from any bondage. He has nothing except his own destiny. AWARENESS of my DESTINY - that is the most valuable!

Private property is possible only on what you invented, made, bought or were presented.

The rule of Mefland is - you can have only what you are ready to share with others!

I want to build a house of my dream where citizens of my country will be able to stop by free of charge! And it will be so with every house in Mefland. Mefland's citizens is one big family!

Mefland is a country inhabited by intellectual and unselfish people! No corporations! No greed!

My state is founded on the principle of mutual assistance, solidarity and altruism! The mission of Mefland is to find solutions to problems in the spirit of win-win thinking!

And no deception. My idea is probably not new but it is simple, as everything ingenious is. And it is worthy of the Nobel prize!

When the whole world learns about Mefland and my state will have citizens and will help them solve their problems, I will be able to apply for the Nobel prize!

Maxim Efimov,
Mefland president, writer, social philosopher.

Translated by Irina Efimova

пятница, 26 августа 2016 г.

Mefland unites people on the basis of common values - values of humanity, altruism

Interview with the president of Mefland, writer, and social philosopher Maxim Efimov.

- Mister president, thank you very much that you agreed to give us an interview! I know how you value your time!

- Yes, I am building a state of a new type which has never existed!

- Why you don't like the existing states?

- What exists is deeply backward-looking and it doesn't reflect real needs of people, doesn't satisfy their interests, moreover it consciously makes mankind stupid, holds them in a slavish, underdeveloped condition of some primacies!

- You fled from Russia to Estonia. You didn't find any peace here either, did you? 

- Estonia doesn't need thinking citizens! As a candidate for president of Estonia Siim Kallas says, in Finland there is a principle which teaches that you shouldn't leave a friend in trouble. But in Estonia this principle sounds as - you shouldn't leave anything to your friend. That's why I am a superfluous person in Estonia. These are absolutely not my values! Today Estonia is a labor camp in which the majority doesn't want to work. The new social ideas here are just not accepted. Therefore I am in internal emigration, living in Estonia. Thus, I also came up to an idea of creating my own state - Mefland, where my grandiose social ideas are implemented.

- Tell me, please, about the brightest ideas!

- The main goal of existence of Mefland is intellectual, creative and physical development of citizens of Mefland and solving their problems. Intellectual development assumes refusal to watch TV. In Mefland there is no television, but there is reading, writing and intellectual communication...

People want to live in their own houses. It is right. But they don't have money to build their own houses. Mefland will be giving its citizens non-interest loans. Banks which earn money unfairly, lending under percent, are prohibited in Mefland. This way we fight against greed - the most negative human trait of character. There shouldn't be any greedy people among Mefland's citizens.

- Where will you take money for the loans?

- To become a citizen of Mefland it is necessary to pay a one-time duty - 150 euros. This money will arrive in Mefland's budget. The citizens of Mefland will annually pay a symbolical fee - about 50 euros. This money will also go to the budget. From this amount we will allocate non-interest loans, for example, for the construction of houses, and also for additional social protection of our citizens! That means that all social protection is based on the principles of mutual assistance, allocentrism, reasonable egoism. In fact, Mefland's budget is a mutual benefit fund!

- And where will Mefland be situated territorially?

- In the world there are lots of territories where there isn't enough population, but all of them belong to some states. As the president of Mefland I am going to address the colleagues - the presidents of other countries with a request to provide a small territory to Mefland. And there are examples of this - Vatican in Italy.

According to my plan, Mefland is bigger than the European Union and the USA. Mefland unites people on the basis of common values - values of humanity, altruism, unselfishness, mutual assistance, development of intelligence, creative capabilities and physical culture and only this way, - any nationalism, patriotism, general religion, overeating and absorption of TV slops on a sofa.  Mefland, in theory, doesn't need any separate physical territory. First of all, Mefland is a noosphere, that is, a territory of intelligent social life! And the more we are unlike, the better! That means, that the whole world will finally become Mefland!

- And when will it happen?

- When people grow wiser! That's why Mefland appeared. You can stay tuned to our news on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mefland/

Mefland Today

Translated by Irina Efimova